
Represent different views and voices on one issue/situation through pictures


  • Select a meeting venue in a significant and inspiring environment, where participants will be triggered visually on social and cultural interactions. (A city neighbourhood, a zoo, a park)
  • Please register with and make a padlet page for the purpose of the training. 
  • Please register for the session via audio or video or have one person take notes of participants' reactions to each of the steps!
  • Provide enough sticky notes, pens, paper, and flipover papers. Be sure that all participants have a smartphone or other pocket device to take photos. 
  • Provide for some extra ipads to enable everybody to join. 
  • Have at least one computer/laptop,  a beamer or other screen to show pictures on the screen. 



Start with an ice breaker 

Introduction by the trainer 

In this course we will be working with photos to capture our own representations of concepts, often translated into words that are used in reports, books, and policy papers, etc. The words we use to understand these concepts imply that we have a common understanding of them.

But, how do we interpret these concepts? How do they correspond with our own worldviews and experiences? I would like to invite you to reflect upon one of these concepts, principles or values. So that we can make our own common representation of these and construct a new and collected story about them captured in images.


Step 1 Make a long list of concepts or values (individual):

Make a long list of topics your organization(s)/ stakeholders need to be accountable for. This can be for all types of purposes. Put each of these topics on one sticky note. 

You may also use this exercise to collect shared values within a group. Then, your question will be: Please make a long list of values you find important in work, at school, etc. 


Step 2 Construct a common long list of concepts or values (in one or more groups):

Discuss the topics and categorize them on a flip-over paper. If the group is large, you can work in several groups and bring the results together in the second phase. 

Result of this step: 

Getting insights about the concepts, views, and values mentioned in policy papers, management guidelines, and other documents. It also gives insights into different stakeholders' perceptions of the topics they (think they) are responsible for or accountable for to their leaders.


Step 3 Choose one concept or value to be (re)presented in pictures (collective):

Choose one topic together to collect pictures about,  a word, concept, value, idea, experience from the long list. The group will be divided into subgroups of max 5 people. 

Step 4: Collect pictures about the concept during a walk (individual in smaller groups)


All participants will collect at least 10 to 15 pictures about the topic individually. The pictures will be taken during a (city)walk in small groups of a maximum 5 people. 


All subgroups are given a different direction (north, south, east, west). Or they will walk to a particular address. For instance, during NACCS training one group would walk in the direction of the museum, another group would walk to the market, another group would walk to the zoo, etc. 

The groups will not cross each other and will have other visual triggers. 

Step 5 Choose your own significant pictures and upload them on padlet ( individual or in duo’s):

Work together with one other person of your group. Each of you chooses a top 3 (or 5) of pictures. Reflect together about the images that reflect the topic best. Did you take same type of pictures during your walk? 

Step 6 Upload 3 to 5 individual pictures to padlet (individual):

Upload your own 3 pictures on a padlet page. 

Trainer: explains how to upload pictures.

Step 7 Visual analysis of all top pictures (collective or in small groups):

Study the images presented on the padlet page by all different individuals/groups on the padlet page. How do we represent the concept or value we studied? Which pictures do we find representing the chosen topic best? Discuss in small groups with others and vote on padlet. 

Step 8 (collective) Discussion in plenary about top 3 of all pictures.

What pictures could be used as narrative accounts? Make a top See example of NACCS Training on inclusion. 

How can these pictures be used for accountability and impact purposes? What are our images and representations on the topic we wished to represent (inclusion for NACCS)? Do we have the same interpretation of the notion? 

Do all types of stakeholders find the same type of images? Or is there a difference in perception visible through the pictures?

How can these pictures also question the way we look at the topics we need to be or ask to be accountable for? 

The result of this step will be Deeper insights about how we perceive a concept. Pictures help to get a fundamental idea of common significance. The pictures help to visualise common and different viewpoints. 

 Step 9. Pictures for visual accountability purposes

Choose the pictures you wish to use for accountability and evaluation reports. It gives insights on the different representations people have and gives deeper insights into the future needs and awareness of collective imaginaries of our work and activities. Photovoice and their common analysis help to develop shared meaning and future perspectives. 

Step 10. Report and present

The results are communicated to policymakers and managers so you can talk with them about the next steps in the social and cultural activities you wish to realise.  







Laatste wijziging: maandag, 11 november 2024, 05:58